Quinceañera Themes Inspired by the Hottest Movies
Quinceañera Themes Inspired by the Hottest Movies

Quinceañera Themes Inspired by the Hottest Movies

Quinceañera themes can be really creative when you play with mood lighting, decorations, and unique wardrobe for you and your court. Here are a few ideas to set up your celebration according to the latest box office hits.

Mirror Mirror (above): the 2012 adaptation of the classic “Snow White” tale gives your imagination the opportunity to run wild with evil queens and poisoned apples. If you choose an elaborate Quince dress similar to Snow White’s and arrive to your grand ball in a horse and carriage, your guests won’t be left wondering who is the fairest of them all.
A Quinceanera with a twilight wedding theme, featuring Kristen Stewart and a large group of people standing in a forest

Twilight: the vampire-themed fantasy romance series can spark a sudden craving for a Quince with romantic ambience. For this type of Quinceañera themes, hire a professional to set the mood with amber lights and decorate your venue as an evergreen landscape. Instead of black decorations, use eggplant purple as the base color for your décor.

Jennifer Lawrence and two women standing next to each other at a Quinceanera celebration

The Hunger Games: catching the fever of  the post-apocalyptic world of Panem is easy, especially with the flamboyant costumes worn by Effie Trinket. This theme calls to a fearless girl willing to flaunt theatrical wardrobe, elaborate makeup, and a Quinceañera court willing to follow her lead.
Quinceanera image: Charlize Theron, a woman wearing a crown sitting on a chair from the movie Snow White and the Huntsman

Snow White and the Huntsman: “poisoned apples” and golden-framed mirrors in your centerpiece arrangements will set the scene for this twisted version of the epic fairy tale. While, Victorian attires for your court and a throne as your seat of honor will bring the legendary tale full circle.

John Cusack dressed in costume with a man and a woman at a Quinceanera event

The Raven: the Edgar Allen Poe poem “The Raven” inspired this thriller film that takes place in the 19th century. Turn your Quince into a renaissance-inspired celebration as well, with Victorian outfits for your chambelanes. This includes frock coats, top hats, cravats, and fake mustaches for fun!

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