4 Reasons Not to Have a Quinceañera
4 Reasons Not to Have a Quinceañera

4 Reasons Not to Have a Quinceañera

Are you still on the verge of deciding whether you should have a Quince?

A Quince isn’t for every girl, we don’t blame you if you’re having some doubts. If having a big party is something you’re not interested in, consider celebrating your 15th birthday a different way!

Perhaps you can relate with any of the following scenarios…

1) You don’t actually want one

Ariel, a Quinceanera woman standing in front of a Quinceanera door wearing a skirt

Here’s the scenario: your parents have the money to throw you a 15th anniversary celebration and your whole family is super excited for it. So excited in fact that they have forgotten to even ask what you want.  Which is a trip or a car. Again, in this scenario, money is not the issue so your Quince could be switched for a family trip, a Quinceañera cruise or even your first car.

What to do?

Do your research and grab some stats on the costs of your ideal birthday present. Then sit down and have a talk with your parents telling them what you would like instead of a Quinceañera and showing them how much your idea will be $$$.

2) You don’t have the money

A Quinceanera GIF of a woman sitting on a couch talking to a man

It takes money to have a Quinceañera, no matter how small or big, we’re talking anywhere from $1,000 up to $25,000. If you were able to come up with that amount of money won’t you rather save it for say, college?

What to do?

Find an affordable way to celebrate your birthday! Not having a huge amount of money does not mean you can’t have fun and feel special. Host a girls-night-in at your house, visit a theme park, have dinner with your family at a restaurant but DO something!

3) Quinceañeras are not exactly your cup of tea

Cardi B, a woman sitting on a couch holding a cup, saying 'okurrr'

Believe it or not, being the center of attention is not for everyone and if there’s one thing for sure… all eyes will be on you the day of your Quinceañera. If the thought of being watched at all times for a whole day gives you chills perhaps it’s best to ditch the Quince planning ASAP!

What to do?

Let your parents know how you feel about it and together find the best way to celebrate this coming-of-age moment.

4) You’re having one ONLY to impress people

A Quinceanera celebration: a woman in a Quinceanera dress standing in front of a mirror, depicting a Cinderella story gif

A Quinceañera should be celebrated with very important people. It is not meant to be taken as an opportunity of showing and bragging, specially to people who you don’t even talk you and will most likely stop seeing once the school year is over.

What to do?

Invite only those who have truly been there for you through thick and thin. Friends and family who deserve to be your Quinceañera guests and not just the girls and guys from school who don’t know your name but you wish (for some reason…) to be friends with.

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