How to choose your court of honor
How to choose your court of honor

How to choose your court of honor

If any part of the planning process for your quinceañera truly demonstrates that you are ready to become an adult, it is precisely choosing the members of your court of honor.


Whether they are your friends, brothers, cousins, or family friends, keep in mind that making these decisions as an adult is very important for a successful Quinceañera celebration. The following are a few tips to help you choose the court of your dreams.

Court of honor characteristics:

1. Talk to your parents and determine the size of your court. This way you will know how many people you need to find to accompany you in this special moment.

2. It’s your court! First and foremost you must keep in mind that it’s your party, your dream come true, and thus you must speak up but no drama!

3. Learn to control your emotions. Don’t go on the defensive if your parents or family member want to impose someone on your court of honor. Think before speaking and explain it to your parents in detail.

4. Make a preliminary list. If you have more than enough candidates, make sure to write down all the names first, the reason why they will be part of your court, and the level of preference in comparison to others. You can also base it on a scale of 1 to 10 so you can evaluate each choice with greater precision.

5. When announcing your decision, ready yourself with caution. Avoid compromising anyone in excess and mentally prepare for a yes or no answer. Don’t be offended if any of your potential candidates rejects the opportunity to become part of your court and understand that it’s not simply their own decision, but also a decision from their parents and whether or not they have the money to spend.

6. Keep an open mind. It’s not so easy to practice with your court, agree on every detail, and maintain cordiality within a group. Keep in mind that each of your members has a different personality and attend to everyone without preferences.

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