Pros and Cons of Invitations
Pros and Cons of Invitations

Pros and Cons of Invitations

Choosing between traditional paper invitations and digital ones isn't easy.

That's why we're going to present the pros and cons of both options so you can see which one suits you best.

Digital Invitations


  • They are affordable: Most digital invitations are free. Unless you want to take a step further and order custom ones designed exclusively for you.
  • They are easy to fill out: Unlike paper invitations, which come in an endless selection of paper types, colors, materials, cuts, and designs; digital invitations are easy, simple, and straightforward. Whether you choose Facebook or email, a computerized invitation allows you to simply enter your party information, and you're done!
  • You can get an immediate response and follow up: Another advantage of digital invitations is that they provide an immediate response from your guests anytime, anywhere. They also guarantee instant delivery for a quicker response.


  • Not everyone has Facebook or email (e.g., older generations): Some people in our family are still very outdated when it comes to using technology, like our grandparents. Those who struggle with technology or haven't modernized would appreciate a paper invitation for such an important event.
  • It's harder to track "crashers": With digital invitations, it's more difficult to maintain more direct control over who you really want to invite.
  • They could get lost in the digital mailbox: Like any email, your digital invitation could easily get lost in the spam folder. And an important person might never know you invited them.
  • They are not taken seriously: They might be perceived as just any informal invitation and not paid attention to.

Paper Invitations


  • They are considered the most elegant option: Paper invitations are simply classic and never go out of style. When one is received, the guest immediately knows it's an important event based on the type of paper and design used.
  • Everyone has an address: Unlike emails or Facebook, we can be sure that even our old-fashioned grandparents have a mailing address.
  • They are specifically addressed to the guest: It can be a bit rude to directly say that the invitation is only for the person receiving it. On the other hand, with paper invitations, you can give them the option to bring 1, 2, or 0 extra guests, without any confusion!


  • They can be costly: Unfortunately, paper invitations are not cheap. They can easily cost over $10 per invitation! Definitely not paper you want to waste. Therefore, if you think most of your guests won't really appreciate the art and cost of a paper invitation, it's better to choose digital ones.
  • People take longer to respond: Unlike the immediate communication exchange provided by the digital world, paper invitations will have us patiently waiting for guests' responses. What you can do to speed up the response is simply send them a text and ask if they received the invitation, reminding them to mail back the confirmation with the number of people attending.

So what do you prefer, digital or paper invitations?

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