The truth behind these 5 Quinceañera myths

The truth behind these 5 Quinceañera myths

So many things are said about Quinceañeras that you never know whom to believe and whom to ignore.

Should I follow all the traditions? What if I don't want to dance the waltz? Can I do things differently? Absolutely!

Next, we explain the 5 most popular Quinceañera myths.

Hopefully, this will help you clarify what you want to include and what you prefer not to do for your party.

You must have a Quinceañera Mass

The Mass is one of the most important elements of any Quinceañera under the Catholic and Christian religions. But what if you're not Hispanic and want to adopt a lovely tradition outside your culture? Adapt the celebration according to your beliefs and traditions.

You must spend a lot of money on your party

Unfortunately, the tradition of Quinceañeras has changed so much that most people think it's more about spending a fortune. It doesn't matter if your budget is small; celebrating your 15 years is about being with the people you love, not about having it at the fanciest venue in your city. A small dinner, a pretty dress, and your loved ones are all you need.

You must have damas and chambelanes


This is one of the toughest decisions every Quinceañera faces. If you don't mind sharing the spotlight with your friends, then do it. Consider that a very handsome chambelán might steal your guests' attention. In the end, it's up to you whether you want only chambelanes, only damas, both, or none.

You must choose a theme and colors for your party


Choose either a theme or colors, not both! Finding decorations in specific colors and according to the theme you want will be a headache. Choose a theme, for example: Spring, and decorate your party with seasonal flowers, or choose 2-3 tones and decorate with flowers of any type in those same colors.

You must consider all Quinceañera traditions


As mentioned before, the beauty of this tradition is that it can be adapted to your budget, personality, and lifestyle. If there's something that doesn't convince you or goes against your faith, don't feel forced to include it.

You're celebrating a super important moment in your life, do it the way you want!

If you have doubts and/or questions about other myths, let us know in the comments.

For other Quinceañera traditions, click here.

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