Add more life to your Quinceañera dress
Add more life to your Quinceañera dress

Add more life to your Quinceañera dress

With a snip here and there, your Quince dress can take on a whole new purpose.

What will you do with your Quince dresslong after the limelight has come and gone?  If you’re like most of the girls who have also had the privilege of having a Quinceañera, your gown will more than likely end up in the back of your closet and serve as a memento of your grandiose celebration. It may even be passed down to another girl in your family or— if your heart desires, be donated for a future Quince girls to enjoy as well.

But if you’re not ready to part ways with your dress or are trying to get more out of the investment, there are certain alterations you can make to it in order to make your old Quince dress into a new creation.

Quince dress

With prom in mind: If your Quince was before your prom, you can use your dress for that event as well. A simple way to do that is by having a professional seamstress take your long gown and cut it down to a comfy mini, or having a mullet hemline added—long in back, short in front.

Dying for hues: If your gown is white, you have the advantage of dying it another color. In combination with minor alterations, this can make the dress look like an entirely new option.

Ta-da! Adding sleeves to a dress that one's lived without them is a remarkable way to change-up its style. Attaching full-on long sleeves, quarter length, or bolero-inspired cuts will allow you to wear the dress again to another formal affair.

The Old Switcheroo: Change it up. Literally. If your Quince dresshad a corset top, consider replacing it with a halter or tank. If it had a satin bottom, switch it up for a full tulle skirt.

All in the details: Consider different embellishments to repurpose your dress. For example, a lace embroidery would look lovely where a sequence of crystals once adorned your gown, and vice versa.



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